Patient Pool Management.
We have worked with Navigation Teams managing large patient pools to enhance the way patients are searched and tracked. These new tools improve the way patients can be listed and searched within Organizational and Workflow groups.
Research and Customer Lead Database Integration.
We have integrated a Secure Customer Lead and Health Research Database in NT. Located under Company Functions there are two database tools that you can use to share Lead Contact Information and Research topics across your company.
SOAP Note Templates.
(Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) SOAP Templates provides a standard method to write out formatted notes in a patient's chart, such as the admission note.
Patient Portal Secure Attachment Links.
Attach secure document links in your portal email messages. This allows you to directly reference documents in your patient & care team communications.
Enhanced Dashboard.
We've updated the system with a more advanced dashboard providing more tools that allow faster navigation into the areas used most in the NT application.